Started out as an internal conversation amongst our staff on the effects of the changing weather patterns and the negative impacts to our customers who are largely small-scale farmers, in 2010, our Eco care Programme came into being. Our staff committed to take personal responsibility to grow tree and fruit seedlings at their respective homes and locations.
By 2013, demand and access for quality tree and fruit seedlings grew. The process to have a certified Eco Care Nursery to propagate quality tree and fruit seedlings began. Horticultural Crops Directorate (HCD) and Kenya Plant Health Inspectorate Service (KEPHIS) successfully licensed our Eco Care Programme in 2015. HCD and KEPHIS conducts annual audits to confirm our adherence to best nursery practices.
Eco Care Programme has expanded to serve the needs of local communities by enabling easier access to quality tree and fruit seedlings. Internally, Eco Care Programme through the Feed Africa Challenge Initiative provides tree, fruit and vegetables seedlings and farming knowledge and skills to our staff.
To date, Eco Care has propagated over 1.7 million tree and fruit seedlings with over 85 per cent survival rate. We closely collaborate with our key strategic implementing partners who supports in site identification and actual fruit and tree growing.