Blanthax Blackquarter & Anthrax Vaccines

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Blanthax is a vaccine for the active immunisation of animals against anthrax and black quarter.


Blanthax vaccine is a colourless liquid that contains a suspension of living spores of uncapsulated avirulent strain of Bacillus anthracis in alum precipitated Clostridium chauvoie.

Dosage and administration

Shake the bottle thoroughly before the doses are withdrawn.



Cattle, horses, camels


Sheep and goats


Route of administration:

  • Administration is by subcutaneous injection; immunity is established 7 – 14 days after injection and lasts for 9-12 months.
  • In horses however, immunity may take up to weeks to develop.
  • In endemic areas, vaccination every six months is advisable.
  • Under normal conditions annual revaccination will suffice.


  • Administration of antibacterials should be avoided shortly before, and until 2 weeks after vaccination.
  • Avoid inoculation of animals in late pregnancy unless there is a serious risk of anthrax.
  • Any partly used product or its container should be disposed of at the end each day’s operations, due to possibilities of accidental contamination of the vaccine under field conditions.
  • No marked reactions follow vaccination. However in the case of hypersensitivity reactions occurring after inoculation, treat the animal with adrenaline and/or antihistamines without delay.


For the active immunization of all animals (cattle, sheep and goats) against anthrax and black quarter (Black leg).


  • Store between 2°C and 8°C, protected from light.
  • Do not freeze.