Maclik Plus – Heat Booster, Improved Health and Conception

Available -

1Kg, 2Kg, 5Kg, 10Kg, 20Kg, 50Kg

Maclik Plus is a mineral supplement specially formulated for heifers (6 months of age up to the 7th month of the gestation period).

Maclik Plus provides all the essential requirements and contains vital elements for improved health, heat boosting and prepares the heifer for conception.


Composition (w/w and/or ppm)

Sodium Chloride (NaCl) 23.81%
Calcium (Ca) 23.31%
Phosphorous (P) 6.46%
Magnesium (Mg) 2.00%
Copper (Cu) 1500
Manganese (Mn) 3000
Zinc (Zn) 5000
Cobalt (Co) 80
Iodine (I) 300
Selium (Se) 25
Molybdenum (Mo) 2

The Calcium to Phosphorous ratio (Ca: P Ratio) is 3.61:1.

Dosage and administration

Recommended Feeding Rates

Growing stock – 100gm per day.

Heifers 100 – 150gm per day.

Alternatively, supplement ad libitum (or freely, as much as the animal may wish to consume) and since the minerals are available all the time, the animal regulates intake according to its requirements.


Maclik Plus is specifically designed for all dairy heifers up to 7th month of gestation period.